For Educators
Trash in the Class
The Solid Waste Management Department and Keep Albuquerque Beautiful are continuing our Education Outreach Initiative for the 2024/2025 school year. We invite your class to participate in our fun and educational program. We look forward to working with you and your students to educate the next generation of environmental stewards.

Facility Field Trips: 4 Hours
This fun field trip opportunity will be available for classes of 30 students or less from grades K-5. At our state of the art Solid Waste Educational Facility, students will be guided through a virtual classroom presentation, play interactive recycling games, test out the driving simulator, and receive a truck tour from one of our dedicated drivers. We ask for at least one adult chaperone for every seven students. Keep Albuquerque Beautiful will cover the cost of all bus transportation. Pre-trip lesson plans will be available upon request.

Classroom Visits: 30 to 40 Minutes
Classroom visits are led by a member of our Recycling Education Team who will lead a fun presentation about Solid Waste operations that includes a discussion about recycling, composting, illegal dumping, and graffiti removal. The presentation is followed by a group computer game that is designed to teach students how to dispose of different types of waste. Each class will be provided with an educational composting kit and activity books.

Virtual Classroom
Classes that are unable to schedule a visit or field trip are encouraged to utilize our virtual classroom. This interactive webpage contains all information provided to students in the visits and a link to the computer game.
Contact Megan Holcomb at for access to our virtual classroom.
Get in Touch
Toni Aguilar
Marketing/Keep Albuquerque Beautiful Administrative Assistant or 505-761-8167