One Albuquerque Cleanup Day

Join the City’s Solid Waste Management Department and Keep Albuquerque Beautiful for One Albuquerque Cleanup Day. Gather a group of friends or neighbors and register to clean up your neighborhood, park, or other area that needs it in honor of Earth Day! With your help we can all work together to keep Albuquerque clean and beautiful.

General Information

  • Participants will sign up through their neighborhood association or by gathering some friends.
  • Neighbors and team clean area around their homes, sidewalks, and surrounding areas with supplies provided by Solid Waste.
  • Everything must be bagged and placed at the designated location(s) mentioned on your registration form - e.g. address, cross streets, specific area of park, etc.
  • The designated location must be monitored either by a volunteer captain or member of the volunteer group.
  • Items that will not be picked up are hazardous waste, liquids, oil, paint, cement, rock, brick, dirt, batteries, tires, and construction debris (which includes dirt/sand, sheet rock, roofing material, etc.).

Register Your Group

One ABQ Cleanup Day Signup